Featured Volunteer: Lucas Suarez
Get to know our volunteer, Lucas Suarez! He’s the newest member to the team…let’s let him introduce himself…
I am a student at Old Dominion University majoring in filmmaking. Dream is to be documentary filmmaker and work for National Geographic. I cook thirty minute brownies in twenty minutes, quote Forrest Gump at least 20 times a day, still collect baseball cards, and my goal in life is to compete in an Ironman and be a contestant on The Price is Right.

What is your favorite beach in the world?
My favorite beach in the world is Corolla, North Carolina. As cliche as it sounds, this place is home to me. Every time I drive north on NC-12 and I see the sign for Corolla, I get this amazing feeling. It is a feeling that I do not experience anywhere else and it is a special feeling to me.
When did you start lifeguarding?
I started lifeguarding in the summer of 2012 with Corolla Ocean Rescue. I ahd been coming to Corolla, North Carolina every summer for 5 years and was encouraged to apply by Ross Monroe (You may remember isla volunteer Ross with his Duck Face Selfie…)
Why are you a lifeguard?
I am a lifeguard because I love to be around people who share the same passion as I do for the ocean.
What got me into lifeguarding?
When I was going through training my first summer, Mike Hudson (the INFAMOUSLY mysterious Mike Hudson, isla volunteer) the Captain for Corolla had said something to me that inspired me and still continues to motivate me each and every day I step on the beach. “It is easy being a lifeguard. But it’s difficult to be a great lifeguard.”

How did you first get started with ISLA?
I was first introduced to ISLA by Mike Hudson aka Husongs Miguel. I met Mike in my first summer lifeguarding in Corolla. He had shared some ISLA stories with me and after hearing about all his travels and the people he met. I knew that joining ISLA was something that I wanted to be a part of.
What interested you the most about ISLA?
What interested me the most about ISLA is that everyone is stoked about what they do. Everybody shares the same love and respect for the ocean. Seeing what ISLA has done the past few years is amazing.
What do you do outside of volunteering for ISLA?
I am currently going to school at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia, and I major in filmmaking. If I’m not in the classroom, I stay pretty active by running in races from half-marathons to full-marathons. I also like to travel, take pictures, write, paint, and watch movies.
What class are you making ISLA videos for?
I made the ISLA Dominican Republic video for one of my filmmaking classes at school. Our final exam was to go out, film and edit a 1 minute video about something we’re passionate about. Immediately I thought of the ocean and lifeguarding.
What inspires you?
My family. I would not be the pesron I am today without them. My family has always encouraged me to do the things I have always wanted to do, work hard, and never settle for less.

What is the best beach food?
Without a doubt, the BEST beach food is a whole wheat everything bagel with double egg, bacon, and avocado from Lighthouse Bagels in Corolla, NC.
Favorite beach music?
A day on the beach isn’t complete without some Led Zeppelin.
Favorite thing about lifeguarding?
My favorite thing about lifeguarding is the feeling you get after making a rescue. After all the hard work you’ve put in through training and to utilize it, is a great feeling to me. Especially, when the patron is so appreciative of your help. It makes you feel extraordinary.
Favorite piece of rescue equipment?
My Dafin are my favorite piece of equipment. When the waters rough and you need to make a rescue they definitely give you an edge to get out there a lot quicker.
[h3]How will you continue to prevent drowning?[/h3] [p]I’m going to continue to prevent drownings by making the necessary advisories and to inform patrons that walkover the access of what the conditions are.Describe yourself in three words.
Determined. Creative. Passionate.
Favorite Quote
“If he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that hs place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.” – Theodore Roosevelt