Featured Organization: National Drowning Prevention Alliance NDPA

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Did you know…

Drowning is the number one cause of unintentional injury death in the United States for children aged 1-4.

For children aged 1-4 drowning claims the lives of more young children each year than unintentional motor vehicle, poisoning, fire arms and falls combined.

For every child 1-4 years old who dies from drowning, another eight receive emergency department care for nonfatal submersion injuries, many of which result in life-long disabilities due to brain damage from lack of oxygen.

Drowning is the 3rd leading cause of unintentional injury death worldwide.

*Statistics from the CDC and the World Health Organization

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The National Drowning Prevention Alliance’s (NDPA) ultimate goal is to prevent these tragic drowning incidents and save lives. As a leading public resource in the United States in drowning prevention educational materials and expertise, the NDPA provides parents and caretakers, first responders, medical professionals and facilities managers with vital resources to keep our loved ones safer when in, near or around water.

All NDPA educational resources, materials and events are funded exclusively through philanthropic support.

Click links to read more: Why the NDPA? Informational Links


Your tax deductible gift will help prevent this senseless tragedy!

Also, stay up to date with NDPA information and news on the NDPA Facebook Page.

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